VBScript clearner.vbs - Delete File Based on Last Modified Date and Filter by File Extension

A VB script, i forgot where i got it.


' naam: Cleanup.vbs
' function:
' - Cleanup old files depending on the age of x days
' - Check for file extension
' - Possible to recurse in subfolders
' - For clustered drives, will check first if the drive exists on that server
' author: SDR
Option Explicit
Dim wshShell
Dim FilePath, Retention, FileFilter, FilterExt, SubFilter
Dim fso, Folder, DriveLetter
Set wshShell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Fill in below variables
' ex.
' FilePath = "D:\BACKUP"
' Retention = 2
' note: Retention is in days
' If you need to filter by extention, set the FileFilter to True and fill in FilterExt
' If you need to also filter in the subfolders, set SubFilter to True
FilePath = "D:\Test"
Retention = 5
FileFilter = True
FilterExt = "ARCHIVE"
SubFilter = True

' Do not change below!

DriveLetter = Left(FilePath, 1)

If fso.DriveExists(DriveLetter) Then
' Cleanup the files
DelFiles FilePath, Retention, FileFilter, SubFilter
End If

Sub DelFiles(Dir, days, DelFilter, SubFoldersFilter)
Dim DelDate, FSO, Folder, SubFolder, SubDir, Files, File, FileDate, Ext, FileDelete, ErrorDelete
Set FSO = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
On Error Resume Next
Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(Dir)

DelDate = NOW - days
On Error Goto 0
Set Files = Folder.Files
Set SubFolder = Folder.SubFolders
For each File in Files
FileDate = File.DateLastModified
Ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(File)
On Error Resume Next
If DelFilter = True then
If FileDate <= DelDate and Ext = FilterExt then
End If
If FileDate <= DelDate then
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
If SubFoldersFilter = True then
For each SubDir in SubFolder
DelFiles SubDir.Path, days, DelFilter, SubFoldersFilter
End If
Set Files = Nothing
Set Folder = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub




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