Hyeeee~!!!!! XD~ Gumbire hati terase.. Walau lame x post, tp neh hari ne terus rase nk post mende baru sbijik.. Sbb ape? sbbb..... same la nagn tajuk post ne.. Juniper Certs! XD Pada 8 Oct dan 9 Oct, saya telah berjaye mendapatkan bukan 1, bukan 2, tp... 3 certification dr Jupiter Networks.. ehehehehe.. tahniah kepada diri sdirik!! =D So ape tuh Juniper? Kalau Cisco Certified tuh org tau gak kan? Erm, well, Juniper Networks ne kompeni besar gak a, die ade banyak gk solution2 utk networking related, IDS, VPN, VoIP, selain dr yg bese2 routing and switching solutions.. Erm, just like CISCO, die ade gak certification program sdirik, bleh refer sini kalau nk tahu lebeh lanjut.. Well, back to me, what did i manage to certify myself? Well, its this three: As of today, Me myself have been awarded:- 1) JNCIA-ER (JN0-342): Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate on Enterprise Routing .2) JNCIA-EX (JN0-400): Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate on EX-Series Switch Network. 3) JNCI