
Showing posts from June, 2013

Enable/Disable Archive Log Mode Oracle 10g/11g

A very very very good and clear explanation from here : To Disable: sqlplus / as sysdba shutdown immediate startup mount alter database noarchivelog; alter database open ; archive log list; To Enable: sqlplus / as sysdba archive log list show parameter recovery_file_dest alter system set log_archive_dest_1= 'LOCATION=/path/orcl/arch' scope = both; shutdown immediate startup mount alter database archivelog; alter database open ; archive log list //alak

How to Lock or Unlock a client In SAP

SAP unlock or Lock client Method 1: - go SE37 - SSCR_LOCK_CLIENT - or SSCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT  Method 2: Locking/unlocking the entire system, an admin can use the following commands: 1. tp locksys pf= 2. tp unlocksys pf= ripped off //alak

SAP - Suspend/De-schedule all the scheduled jobs

For a purpose of system copy, we would need to stop/suspend or de-scheduled all scheduled jobs for export R3LOAD purpose. One quick way to do mass changes on all scheduled jobs is running below: - tcode SE38 - Program:  BTCTRNS1 - Execute This will make all jobs to status "Rescheduled due to Upgrade" After done the R3LOAD export, simply do the followings to restore: - tcode SE38 - Program:  BTCTRNS2 - Execute that's it! //alak