
Showing posts from 2009

Migrating Database from MSSQL 2008 to 2005

If you go googleing around, you'll probably find, "impossible" cannot backward compatible, and damn a lot for migrating 05 to 08 and 00 to 05. Fsck google. Here's how i do it. From the mssql 2008, right click on the databse, Task > Generate Script.. You'll come to a wizard. Select your database. next. at the options selection page, make sure you choose two vital option, 1) migrate type to MSSQL 2005, 2) Data Script . Next. selct all. select all. paceroh. then while it creating trhe sql statements, there might be errors. Why? because usually some data types in 2008 nt exist in 2005. so what u do? adjust a where applicable.. -____-" Then, try generate sql again. setel. next, just create a db in 2005. execute the script. done. and you'll vbe oine hepi chaild. :D P/s: sory, no screenshots. lazy. And Kudos to Ewe fr the data script part. Tahnx. //alak

Marfan Syndrome

Erm... korg tahu pasal Marfan Syndrome? boleh rujuk link Wiki ni.. Well.. basically, ape yg aku paham a.. Die efek bahagian sendi2.. by sendi (ke muscle ek..?) aku bukan saje refer to joins antara kaki nagn pelviks, lenagn nagn bahu sume tuh.. tp juge mende2 kecit. cam injap kat dlm jantung, ligamen yg kawal pergerakan mate, et cetera... Aku adelah seorg yg me...miliki penyakit neeh.. syndrome neh... Ia penyakit keturunan, meaning o say, aku dpt dr ayah aku... die nye symptom x tentu bile akan tunjuk kan efeknye.. maybe mase umur 40 tahun.. mebi mase umur 7 tahun.. maybe mase baby dah pun.. hmmm.. Ayah aku kene kat jantung.. kalau nk bahase kampung, Darah masuk jantung senang, tp susah nk kuar.. basically, muscle yg kawal injap kat aorta jantung ayah aku die cam 'degil' x berfungsi dgn eloknye, menyebabkan ijap makin besar, physically visible is dada cam naek.. hmm.. aku.. x sure a jantung ok ke x.. ok je kot.. insyaAllah... tp aku mmg kene kat mate... ade doktor panggeyl '

Just scan it? XD~

P/S: Yes, i meant it to be THAT obvious. =p //alak

Congratulation Sis.. =)~

This is my first lil sis.. Last Sunday, 18 October 2009, she receive her graduation scroll for her Diploma, in.. er... Mass Comm? er.... nevertheles... CONGRATZ SIS! XD~ //alak

And it went... =)~

The 640-802 was today. This morning, at around 11.40 am.. Alhamdulillah.. I passed. =)~ //alak

Feeling FOSS.MY eniwan?

Erm.. it so happens this yar i volunteerd as part of FOSS.MY.. wel.. jadi kuli je pun.. erm.. nevertheless, erm.. how shud i do this.. Er... guys.. can i just rip the default spam blast template? XD here goes: ========================== Hi! 2009 is South-East-Asia's largest grassroots Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) event. It is our second such conference - we aim for this to be an annual event bringing together professionals and enthusiasts from Malaysia, South-East-Asia and the rest of the world for a two day grassroots driven FOSS conference. We've got an excellent line up: 4 keynote speakers, 28 great talks and 8 Bird-of-Feather side sessions. Richard Stallman (rms), the father of Free Software, will be keynoting on Free Software Movement, GNU software and GNU/Linux. There will be a substantial Q&A session where you can ask him your questions and even get an autograph. We're arranging for Free Software Foundation merchandise to be sold so you can show y

The downfall? wel.. urm.. nt yet.. =)~

This is a post responing to: and few others not mentioned here.. and dcpp.. wel.. erm... haih.. credits to chaah, and a few others who was involved in pioneering dcpp in utp.. effort diorg.. haih~ syg.. xdak maintaner.. wel.. ade jek kot.. tp tuh a.. nk wt cmana.. cilake2 admin lg veto.. tp... if korg betul2 nk.. bleh je kan? >:D kenape nk kene ade dcpp? kenape nk kene ade mirc? sbb.. mereke2 yg bawak masuk dulu.. dorg suke mende2 neh.. dorg rase mende2 neh akan menvarietykan lg kehidupan.. dorg rase kalau ade cam lg best.. x a cam plain sgt kehidpan seharian.. dorg rase kalau share, ade kesenangannye.. and mereke betul! ape bezanye ngan skrg? org reti gune je.. org reti leech je.. org reti nakkkk je.. tp... heh.. bape org sbenanye provide ek? skali skala.. pasang a tanduk sket

Juniper Certified? =D~

Hyeeee~!!!!! XD~ Gumbire hati terase.. Walau lame x post, tp neh hari ne terus rase nk post mende baru sbijik.. Sbb ape? sbbb..... same la nagn tajuk post ne.. Juniper Certs! XD Pada 8 Oct dan 9 Oct, saya telah berjaye mendapatkan bukan 1, bukan 2, tp... 3 certification dr Jupiter Networks.. ehehehehe.. tahniah kepada diri sdirik!! =D So ape tuh Juniper? Kalau Cisco Certified tuh org tau gak kan? Erm, well, Juniper Networks ne kompeni besar gak a, die ade banyak gk solution2 utk networking related, IDS, VPN, VoIP, selain dr yg bese2 routing and switching solutions.. Erm, just like CISCO, die ade gak certification program sdirik, bleh refer sini kalau nk tahu lebeh lanjut.. Well, back to me, what did i manage to certify myself? Well, its this three: As of today, Me myself have been awarded:- 1) JNCIA-ER (JN0-342): Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate on Enterprise Routing .2) JNCIA-EX (JN0-400): Juniper Networks Certified Internet Associate on EX-Series Switch Network. 3) JNCI

eena mmg menghiburkan hati! XD~

[10:51] noreena tengku: aku ade samting bes [10:51] noreena tengku: jap pes [10:51] noreena tengku: How does a linux geek make love?? - unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; umount; sleep; p/s: ni aku petik dr opensuse nye forum. [10:51] noreena tengku: conclusion aku, [10:52] noreena tengku: a real g33k made love on the terminal [10:54] oi [10:54] ndape tu [10:54] haha [10:54] noreena tengku: haha [10:54] noreena tengku: jumpe je [10:54] nasi [10:57] noreena tengku: tp aku x aa [10:57] noreena tengku: akukan ske gui je [10:57] noreena tengku: so lain ah [10:59] LOL! //alak

Convo.. :|

Aku.. dlm kebusanan.... beleek2 blog org.. blog belle.. cix... aalim.. uena... teng... yap... aabi.. limauais.. suaradiawangan... dan beberape lg.... and.. rata2... smua ade post pasal convo... :( Hikmah.. Kene yaken.. Semua bende adalah sunnah Allah.. So.. yaken.. :| Haih... Tuhan je tahu.. -.- Teringat SMS yg ak penh dpt dulu.. dr Drah ke sape ek.. Drah kot.. tp aku x engat dah cmana msg tuh.. tp.. it says sumthing like this: (i remake my own version) " Kadang2 kite diberi petir, guroh, halilintar.. kite menangis, takot, risau, mencari2 matahari kite.. Tp, jike kite bersabar, tunggu, tabah, rupenye2 Allah nk hadiahkan kite pelangi yg indah.. =)" Heh.. lebeeh kurg a tuh.. Nevertheless, congratz guys, fr yr graduation, and those otehrs, fr yr supports. I really honestly seriously missed u guys. Sorry x skali.. >____________________<~ **edited*** //alak

#1 - Utk Awak.. (ripped)

heh.. so i was gugling around and came across this.. its.. erm.. sumhow interests me.. so haha... kudos to : here goes : Awak Hari nie saya happy sangat Awak datang call saya Tapi saya buat2 biasa je Egonya saya, padahal hati tue suka Awak Hari nie saya happy sangat, Awak datang tempat saya, Walaupun lambat tapi awak tetap datang Tak kisahlah, janji dapat tengok awak satu hari tu Awak Hari nie saya happy sangat, Awak kasi bunga, Tapi saya malas nak tunjuk suka, egonya saya Padahal dalam hati tue rasa nak melonjak je (seronok gila) Awak Hari nie kita makan semeja Saya buat selamba je, Saje biarkan awak dengan kawan saya Tapi saya bangga Awak dapat serasi dengan mereka Awak Hari nie saya dapat berita, Awak demam, (rungsingnya saya) Saya risau tak tau nak buat apa Saya jauh tapi saya cuma dapat tanya kabar awak je Awak Hari nie saya berserabut sangat Tapi saya tak tunjuk, saya terfikir Macam mana keadaan awak Awak seny

blog baru.. =D

Erm.. Salam, and Hi... presenting.... blog abru~ hanye utk akud an aku shj.. er... mebid an beberape org len.. utks aep2 yg aku sengaje nk dorg bace... dan utks aep2 yg mmg aku tujukan blog ini kepadanye.. er.. ikut a sape nk bace.. haha.. erm.. fest ting fest, kalau baca blog ne, jgn banyak komplain, this is mai blog, i handle it with my own style, i write with my own projection, i typo as i wish, so, its mine, so beat it. Hau ai make mai blog look and feel, its my own damn right. lalaal~ Gile demanding.. apdahal x dop org nk bace pun.. wakkakaka.. Heh... my first post by my own and very ME. kalau x , org len yg tlg postkan.. hahaha ok.. //alak