Convo.. :|

Aku.. dlm kebusanan.... beleek2 blog org.. blog belle.. cix... aalim.. uena... teng... yap... aabi.. limauais.. suaradiawangan... dan beberape lg....
rata2... smua ade post pasal convo...


Hikmah.. Kene yaken.. Semua bende adalah sunnah Allah.. So.. yaken.. :|
Haih... Tuhan je tahu.. -.-

Teringat SMS yg ak penh dpt dulu.. dr Drah ke sape ek.. Drah kot.. tp aku x engat dah cmana msg tuh.. tp.. it says sumthing like this: (i remake my own version)

" Kadang2 kite diberi petir, guroh, halilintar.. kite menangis, takot, risau, mencari2 matahari kite.. Tp, jike kite bersabar, tunggu, tabah, rupenye2 Allah nk hadiahkan kite pelangi yg indah.. =)"

Heh.. lebeeh kurg a tuh.. Nevertheless, congratz guys, fr yr graduation, and those otehrs, fr yr supports. I really honestly seriously missed u guys.

Sorry x skali.. >____________________<~




  1. dun wori,ad hikmah disebalik smua ni..
    i'allah TUHAN akan bagi yg lebey baek ^_^


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