SAP SWPM Software Provision Manager SL Toolset 1.0 SP22 Startup Options

This is just a rough note on the options and properties we can set upon running apinst when installing a SAP system.


[root@host SWPM]# ./sapinst -v
[==============================] - extracting...  done!
INFO       2018-04-19 11:54:56.315 (mainThread) [sixxcreate.cpp:346]
Initial log directory: /root/.sapinst/

SAPinst build information:
Version:         749.0.47
Build:           1832063
Compile time:    Mar 27 2018 - 13:22:27
Make type:       optU
Codeline:        749_REL
Platform:        linuxx86_64
Kernel build:    749, patch 426, changelist 1830485
SAP JRE build:   SAP Java Server VM (build 8.1.037 9.0.4+011, Feb 27 2018 15:45:47 - 81_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:302122 (mixed mode))
SAP JCo build:   3.0.17
SL-UI version:   2.6.21
SAP UI5 version: 1.50.4
[root@host SWPM]# 

Details when running ./sapinst -p all

Extraction done!
INFO       2018-04-19 11:48:50.432 (mainThread) [sixxcreate.cpp:346]
Initial log directory: /root/.sapinst/

Internal SAPinst properties:
  If set to 'true', logging for archive scanning is enabled. Otherwise only a summary will be written to 'sapinst_dev.log'.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', a non-official SAP signature is accepted for checking the integrity of the content to be deployed.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', the 'Ignore' button is shown after an error.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', only the input fields displayed during the 'Define Parameters' phase are listed.
  If set to 'false', all input fields are listed.
  Value type: bool (readonly)
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: true

  Path to own executable
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  Name of global parameter table
  Value type: string (readonly)
  Default value: tGlobalParameters

  Path to external SAP Java Runtime Environment (JRE), for example '/usr/sap/jvm8xxx/jre'
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  Property file for own JVM usage
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  If set to 'true', the GUI status updates are written to the logfile.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', the state of steps can be changed.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  Destination of SLP traces into a separate file in /.sapinst(_dev).log. Use value LOG for 'sapinst_dev.log' and TRACE for 'sapinst.log'.
  Value type: string
  Allowed values: LOG, TRACE
  Default value: TRACE

SAPinst properties:
  Path to the browser executable that is started with the SLP access URL.
  Windows only: If SAPINST_BROWSER is not set, the default browser of the system is started. For more information, see SAP Note 2336746.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  Path and name of a control file 'control.xml' or a catalog file 'product.catalog'.
  If this parameter is missing, the first unknown parameter that is not a valid parameter is used for control file.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  The path to the downloaded CRL. Download the CRL from
  Value type: string
  Default value: ~/.sapinst/crlbag.p7s

  Directory that is used as working directory. Requires write permissions to that directory.
  This parameter has the same effect as previously changing to this directory.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  With this value you can directly process the required option using
  the attribute ID at the 'component' tag in the 'product.catalog' file, for example id="NW_ABAP_OneHost:S4HANACLOUD.CORE.HDB.ABAP".
  If no option exists with this ID, the 'Welcome' screen displays all available options.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  HTTPS port in SL Common-GUI mode
  Value type: number
  Default value: 4237

  File to be used for reading initial values of component parameters. For more information, see SAP Note 950619.
  Value type: string
  Default value: inifile.xml

  Path and name of a text file containing 'key=value' pairs to be used preferentially when evaluating
  component parameters. A component parameter attribute 'defval-for-inifile-generation' defines the key.
  Its value is used as the initial value when processsing the component for the first time.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  If set to 'true', the usage of IPv6 is enabled by default
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  Trace level console
  Value type: string
  Allowed values: flow_trace, trace, info, phase, warning, error, external(for ACC)
  Default value: error

  Trace level developer logfile
  Value type: string
  Allowed values: flow_trace, trace, info, phase, warning, error
  Default value: flow_trace

  Trace level standard logfile 'sapinst.log'
  Value type: string
  Allowed values:   values: flow_trace, trace, info, phase, warning, error
  Default value: info

  Name of an OS user who is authorized to log on remotely with name and password via the GUI.
  By default, this is the user of the SAPinst process.
  For more information, see SAP Note 1745524.
  Value type: string
  Allowed values: the login name of the user who can logon to the remote UI
  Default value:

  If set to 'true', warnings concerning the remote access user are disabled. This user must be a trusted user.
  For more information, see SAP Note 1745524.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', all dialogs are skipped.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  If set to 'true', the first step with status ERROR is skipped; step status is set to 'OK'.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  Path and name of the stack configuration file 'stack.xml' as described in SAP Note 1680045.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  For unattended mode only: Contains the SAPSID of the active target system if working with a
  stack configuration file 'stack.xml'.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

  If set to 'true', on Windows the default browser starts automatically with SL Common UI.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: true

  If set to 'true', the SL Common UI server starts automatically. Alternatively, option '-noguiserver' can be used
  to turn off the SL Common UI server.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: true

  If set to 'true', the execution stops after processing all steps of the 'Define Parameters' phase. Used for generating parameter files only.
  If set to 'false', the 'Execute Service' phase is also performed.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  Switch to activate the JS trace functionality for specific JS classes.
  The values 'flow_trace' and 'Retry' activate the flow trace.
  Value type: string
  Allowed values: comma separated list of JS classes or all
  Default value:

  Determines the trace level of the kernel trace library
  Value type: number
  Allowed values: 0, 1, 2 or 3
  Default value: 1

  If set to 'true', traces for RFC calls are written. CAUTION: This can cause passwords to appear in logfiles.
  Value type: bool
  Allowed values: true = {true, yes, 1}, false = {false, no, 0}. Other values are not allowed.
  Default value: false

  The framework returns the value of that property if the getHostName() function is called.
  The value is not checked. For more information, see SAP Note 1564275.
  Value type: string
  Default value:

Selfextractor properties:
  prints selfextractor version information and ends.

-extract []:
  unpacks SAPinst files to or to current directory if is not specified.
  If does not exist it is created.

Return codes:
 0   success
 1   unknown exception
 2   user decided to stop
 3   iSeries specific initialization problem
 4   framework error; contact SAP support (BC-INS-FWK)
 5   incomplete service; contact SAP support (fitting subcomponent below BC-INS)
 6   stop after dialog phase requested
 7   unknown exception during step execution
 8   problems creating support archive
 9   problems in GUI subsystem; contact SAP support (BC-INS-FWK)
 10  SLC could not be started in server mode because of missing encryption jars within the used JVM
 11  executed step requested to "abort the installation"
 12  terminated by a signal
 13  service needs to display a dialog but no GUI is available; restart SAPinst with GUI.
 14  executed step stopped service execution
 15  problems concerning the SDT server's user (default 'sapsdt')
 16  problems with loading of DLL modules (only for Windows)
 17  framework error; see console output
 18  reserved for framework issues ; not used at the moment
 19  reserved for framework issues ; not used at the moment
 20  reserved for framework issues ; not used at the moment
 21 - 110  error code was defined by an exception thrown by an installation step
 // see message.xml
 111 step execution ends with an error without specifying an return code via messages identifier
 112 - 126 error code was defined by a exception thrown by an installation step
 // see message.xml

My scenario is this:

[EXTERNAL] ------------> ROUTER -----(PAT)-----> LINUXHOST

I use X11 forwarding, so am a bit worried if internet connectivity fucks up. So most probably will run in nogui mode, and change the HTTPS port to something common, and do naother PAT at my router for remotely accessing the progress update, calling with sapinstgui

I'll update on howto below later.



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